One Word Substitutions

Challenge yourself with questions where a single word replaces a group of words or a sentence. Ideal for enhancing your vocabulary and understanding of concise language use.

One Word Substitutions Quiz [Set - 7]

1 / 15

1. An expert judge in matters of taste, especially in fine arts or cuisine, is known as a:

2 / 15

2. When something is open to more than one interpretation, it is called:

3 / 15

3. Something that is not able to be seen through is described as:

4 / 15

4. A person who is able to use both hands equally well is termed as:

5 / 15

5. The theft or misappropriation of funds placed in one's trust is known as:

6 / 15

6. A system of government in which most decisions are made by state officials rather than elected representatives is called a:

7 / 15

7. A person who devours great quantities of food is described as:

8 / 15

8. A person fluent in two languages is called a:

9 / 15

9. The deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property is termed as

10 / 15

10. A sound that is very loud is described as:

11 / 15

11. A story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning is called an:

12 / 15

12. A handwritten document, often prepared for publication, is known as a:

13 / 15

13. Words written in memory of a person who has died, typically as an inscription on a tombstone, are known as:

14 / 15

14. A person who is extremely poor and lacks the means to provide for oneself is called:

15 / 15

15. Present everywhere at the same time is called being:

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