MCQs on Programming Basics

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1. What is the correct syntax to declare an array in Java?

A) int[] arr = new int[5];
B) array int arr = 5;
C) declare int arr[5];
D) int arr = [5];

Correct Answer: A) int[] arr = new int[5];
Explanation: In Java, arrays are declared using square brackets [], followed by the new keyword to allocate memory for the specified size.

2. How can you access the last element of an array in most languages?

A) Use array[length-1] for access
B) Reference array[-1] directly
C) Access array[length*2] directly
D) Use array[0] for the last element

Correct Answer: A) Use array[length-1] for access
Explanation: Arrays are zero-indexed in most languages, so the last element is accessed using the index length-1.

3. What is the default value of a boolean variable in Java?

A) True as default value
B) False as default value
C) Null as default value
D) Undefined in Java memory

Correct Answer: B) False as default value
Explanation: In Java, boolean variables default to false when not explicitly initialized, ensuring predictable behavior.

4. Which operator is used to compare two values for equality in programming?

A) || operator for logic check
B) := operator for comparison
C) && operator for conditions
D) == operator for comparison

Correct Answer: D) == operator for comparison
Explanation: The == operator checks if two values are equal, returning True or False depending on the comparison.

5. Which of the following is an example of a ternary operator syntax?

A) condition ? value1 : value2
B) condition == value ? option
C) if(condition) {value1} else {value2}
D) option (condition) : value check

Correct Answer: A) condition ? value1 : value2
Explanation: The ternary operator is a shorthand for an if-else statement, evaluating a condition and returning one of two values.

6. What is the output of the following: print(type(5.0))?

A) <class ‘int’> in Python
B) <class ‘str’> in Python
C) <class ‘float’> in Python
D) Error in type check

Correct Answer: C) <class ‘float’> in Python
Explanation: The type() function in Python returns the type of the object. Since 5.0 is a floating-point number, the output is <class 'float'>.

7. Which keyword is used to define a function in Python?

A) func for defining functions
B) def for defining functions
C) lambda for defining functions
D) init for defining functions

Correct Answer: B) def for defining functions
Explanation: In Python, the def keyword is used to declare a function, followed by the function name and parameters in parentheses.

8. What is the output of the expression: "Hello" + "World" in most programming languages?

A) Hello World is displayed
B) HelloWorld is displayed
C) Error in concatenation syntax
D) Hello-World is displayed

Correct Answer: B) HelloWorld is displayed
Explanation: The + operator concatenates strings in most languages, combining "Hello" and "World" into "HelloWorld".

9. How do you create an infinite loop in Python?

A) while True: loop execution
B) for x in range(): loop execution
C) if x == 0: infinite check
D) do: condition until stop

Correct Answer: A) while True: loop execution
Explanation: A while True loop runs indefinitely because the condition is always true unless explicitly terminated with a break.

10. Which of the following is NOT an example of a loop?

A) for in iteration loop
B) while for conditional loop
C) if for checking condition
D) do-while for guaranteed loop

Correct Answer: C) if for checking condition
Explanation: An if statement is a conditional structure and not a loop, as it does not repeat execution based on conditions.

11. What is the main advantage of using a function in programming?

A) Avoid repetitive code blocks
B) Increase execution speed
C) Reduce memory consumption
D) Minimize number of variables

Correct Answer: A) Avoid repetitive code blocks
Explanation: Functions allow code reuse by enabling the same logic to be called multiple times, reducing redundancy and improving maintainability.

12. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a variable?

A) Variables store data values
B) Variables hold fixed data types
C) Variables always initialize memory
D) Variables allow data changes

Correct Answer: C) Variables always initialize memory
Explanation: Variables do not always initialize memory automatically; in some languages, they may hold garbage values if not explicitly initialized.

13. Which data structure is used to store a collection of key-value pairs?

A) Dictionary data structure
B) Array for storing elements
C) Stack for managing sequences
D) Queue for ordered elements

Correct Answer: A) Dictionary data structure
Explanation: Dictionaries store data as key-value pairs, allowing quick access to values based on their associated keys.

14. What is the output of the following code: if 0: print("True") else: print("False")?

A) True for non-zero check
B) False for zero condition
C) Error in logical syntax
D) True and False displayed

Correct Answer: B) False for zero condition
Explanation: In Python, 0 is considered False in a boolean context, so the else block is executed, printing "False".

15. How do you check if an element exists in a list in Python?

A) Use find(list, element) check
B) Use list.has(element) check
C) Use list.contains() method
D) Use element in list check

Correct Answer: D) Use element in list check
Explanation: The in keyword checks if an element exists in a list, returning True if the element is found.

16. What is the primary difference between while and do-while loops?

A) do-while checks at start; while checks end
B) while uses indices; do-while does not
C) do-while runs once; while may not
D) while needs initialization; do-while does not

Correct Answer: C) do-while runs once; while may not
Explanation: A do-while loop executes at least once before checking the condition, whereas a while loop checks the condition first.

17. Which of the following operators is used to access a member of an object?

A) The : operator in programming
B) The . operator in programming
C) The -> operator in functions
D) The @ operator in Python

Correct Answer: B) The . operator in programming
Explanation: The dot . operator is used to access attributes or methods of an object in most programming languages.

18. What is the result of the expression: 2 ** 3 in Python?

A) 6 from multiplication
B) 8 from exponentiation
C) 16 from squaring twice
D) Error due to syntax

Correct Answer: B) 8 from exponentiation
Explanation: The ** operator in Python performs exponentiation, so 2 ** 3 calculates 2^3=8.

19. Which function is used to convert a string to an integer in most programming languages?

A) int() for conversion
B) parseInt() method
C) convertInt() function
D) strToInt() function

Correct Answer: A) int() for conversion
Explanation: The int() function in Python and similar methods in other languages convert strings into integers.

20. Which of the following statements is correct about recursion?

A) A function calls itself
B) A function uses for loops
C) A function defines many variables
D) A function executes in reverse

Correct Answer: A) A function calls itself
Explanation: Recursion occurs when a function calls itself directly or indirectly, often used for solving complex problems with repeated subproblems.

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