MCQs on Polity

[Set - 4]

1. The Election Commission of India is a:

A) Statutory body
B) Constitutional body
C) Executive body
D) Judicial body

Answer: B) Constitutional body
Explanation: The Election Commission of India is a constitutional body established under Article 324 of the Indian Constitution, responsible for administering election processes in India.

2. Who is known as the Father of Local Self Government in India?

A) Mahatma Gandhi
B) Lord Ripon
C) Jawaharlal Nehru
D) B. R. Ambedkar

Answer: B) Lord Ripon
Explanation: Lord Ripon is considered the Father of Local Self Government in India for his role in establishing local self-governance systems during his tenure as Viceroy.

3. The 'Right to Property' was removed from the list of Fundamental Rights during which amendment?

A) 42nd Amendment
B) 44th Amendment
C) 26th Amendment
D) 31st Amendment

Answer: B) 44th Amendment
Explanation: The ‘Right to Property’ was removed from the list of Fundamental Rights by the 44th Amendment in 1978 and was made a legal right under Article 300A.

4. Who has the final authority to interpret the Constitution of India?

A) President of India
B) Parliament of India
C) Supreme Court of India
D) Attorney General of India

Answer: C) Supreme Court of India
Explanation: The Supreme Court has the final authority to interpret the Constitution, and its judgments are binding on all other courts within the territory of India.

5. The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India is appointed by:

A) President of India
B) Prime Minister of India
C) Parliament of India
D) Finance Minister of India

Answer: A) President of India
Explanation: The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India is appointed by the President of India under Article 148 of the Constitution.

6. The term 'Union' is used in the Constitution because:

A) The Indian federation is based on the British model
B) The states have the right to secede from the federation
C) The Indian federation is not the result of an agreement among the states
D) The Constitution was adopted by the constituent states

Answer: C) The Indian federation is not the result of an agreement among the states
Explanation: The term ‘Union’ signifies that the federation is a union because it is indestructible and not the result of an agreement among the states which can be dissolved.

7. Which Constitutional amendment is known as the 'Mini Constitution'?

A) 42nd Amendment
B) 44th Amendment
C) 74th Amendment
D) 86th Amendment

Answer: A) 42nd Amendment
Explanation: The 42nd Amendment, passed during the Emergency in 1976, is often called the ‘Mini Constitution’ due to the sweeping changes it made to the Constitution.

8. The first woman judge of the Supreme Court of India was:

A) Justice M. Fathima Beevi
B) Justice Ruma Pal
C) Justice Gita Mittal
D) Justice Sujata V. Manohar

Answer: A) Justice M. Fathima Beevi
Explanation: Justice M. Fathima Beevi was the first woman judge of the Supreme Court of India, appointed in 1989.

9. Which one of the following is not a feature of Indian federalism?

A) There is an independent judiciary in India
B) Powers are divided between the central government and state governments
C) States in India have the right to secede from the union
D) The Constitution provides a dual polity

Answer: C) States in India have the right to secede from the union
Explanation: Unlike some other federal nations, states in India do not have the right to secede from the union, highlighting the indestructible nature of the Indian federation.

10. Who appoints the Governor of a State in India?

A) President of India
B) Prime Minister of India
C) Chief Minister of the State
D) President of the ruling party

Answer: A) President of India
Explanation: The Governor of a State in India is appointed by the President of India for a term of five years.

11. What is the minimum age required to become a member of the Lok Sabha?

A) 25 years
B) 21 years
C) 30 years
D) 35 years

Answer: A) 25 years
Explanation: The minimum age required to be eligible for election to the Lok Sabha is 25 years.

12. Under which article can the President of India declare a financial emergency?

A) Article 352
B) Article 360
C) Article 356
D) Article 365

Answer: B) Article 360
Explanation: Article 360 of the Indian Constitution allows the President to declare a financial emergency if the financial stability or credit of India or any part thereof is threatened.

13. The concept of a Five-Year Plan comes under which of the following Directive Principles categories?

A) Gandhian principles
B) Socialist principles
C) Liberal-intellectual principles
D) Environmental principles

Answer: B) Socialist principles
Explanation: The Five-Year Plans, derived from socialist principles, are aimed at economic development and social justice.

14. Which schedule of the Indian Constitution details the powers, authority, and responsibilities of Panchayats?

A) Eleventh Schedule
B) Twelfth Schedule
C) Tenth Schedule
D) Ninth Schedule

Answer: A) Eleventh Schedule
Explanation: The Eleventh Schedule of the Indian Constitution lists the powers, authority, and responsibilities of Panchayats, which include the preparation of plans for economic development and social justice.

15. Which one of the following is not the work of the Election Commission?

A) Conduct of Lok Sabha elections
B) Conduct of Panchayat elections
C) Deciding on disqualifications of members of Parliament
D) Giving recognition to political parties

Answer: B) Conduct of Panchayat elections
Explanation: The conduct of Panchayat elections is managed by the State Election Commissions and not by the Election Commission of India.

16. Which part of the Constitution of India declares the ideal of Welfare State?

A) Fundamental Rights
B) Preamble
C) Directive Principles of State Policy
D) Fundamental Duties

Answer: C) Directive Principles of State Policy
Explanation: The Directive Principles of State Policy outlined in Part IV of the Constitution express the goal of establishing a Welfare State.

17. Who is the first citizen of India?

A) Prime Minister of India
B) President of India
C) Chief Justice of India
D) Speaker of the Lok Sabha

Answer: B) President of India
Explanation: The President of India is considered the first citizen of the country.

18. Who has the power to dissolve the Lok Sabha?

A) The President of India
B) The Prime Minister of India
C) The Speaker of the Lok Sabha
D) The Chief Justice of India

Answer: A) The President of India
Explanation: The President of India has the power to dissolve the Lok Sabha upon the advice of the Prime Minister.

19. Which one of the following High Courts has the distinction of being the first High Court to be established in India?

A) Allahabad High Court
B) Madras High Court
C) Bombay High Court
D) Calcutta High Court

Answer: D) Calcutta High Court
Explanation: The Calcutta High Court, established in 1862, is the oldest High Court in India.

20. Which of the following is a ground for impeachment of the President of India?

A) Violation of the Constitution
B) Misbehavior
C) Inability to discharge duties
D) All of the above

Answer: A) Violation of the Constitution
Explanation: The President can be impeached for violation of the Constitution (Article 61).

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