MCQs on Polity

[Set - 1]

1. Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with the Fundamental Rights?

A) Part I
B) Part III
C) Part II
D) Part IV

Answer: B) Part III
Explanation: Part III of the Indian Constitution (Articles 12 to 35) deals with Fundamental Rights, which are basic human rights guaranteed to all citizens of India.

2. The concept of Judicial Review in India is borrowed from which country's constitution?

A) United States
B) United Kingdom
C) Canada
D) Australia

Answer: A) United States
Explanation: The concept of Judicial Review, which allows the judiciary to review and invalidate laws inconsistent with the Constitution, is derived from the U.S. Constitution.

3. Who was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Indian Constitution?

A) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
B) Jawaharlal Nehru
C) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
D) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Answer: C) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Explanation: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee and is often referred to as the principal architect of the Indian Constitution.

4. Which Article of the Indian Constitution abolishes untouchability?

A) Article 15
B) Article 14
C) Article 18
D) Article 17

Answer: D) Article 17
Explanation: Article 17 of the Indian Constitution abolishes untouchability and forbids its practice in any form, making it an offense punishable by law.

5. The maximum number of seats in the Rajya Sabha is:

A) 245
B) 250
C) 238
D) 240

Answer: B) 250
Explanation: The Rajya Sabha, or the Council of States, can have a maximum of 250 members, out of which 238 are elected and 12 are nominated by the President.

6. Which Schedule of the Indian Constitution deals with the allocation of seats in the Rajya Sabha?

A) Fourth Schedule
B) Third Schedule
C) Fifth Schedule
D) Sixth Schedule

Answer: A) Fourth Schedule
Explanation: The Fourth Schedule of the Indian Constitution deals with the allocation of seats in the Rajya Sabha to the states and union territories.

7. Which Article of the Indian Constitution provides for the right to constitutional remedies?

A) Article 21
B) Article 32
C) Article 226
D) Article 25

Answer: B) Article 32
Explanation: Article 32 provides the right to move the Supreme Court for the enforcement of Fundamental Rights, making it a cornerstone of the Constitution.

8. The President of India can proclaim a state of emergency under which Article?

A) Article 352
B) Article 356
C) Article 360
D) Article 368

Answer: A) Article 352
Explanation: Article 352 of the Indian Constitution allows the President to proclaim a state of emergency in the event of war, external aggression, or armed rebellion.

9. The term of the Lok Sabha is normally:

A) 3 years 
B) 4 years
C) 5 years
D) 6 years

Answer: C) 5 years
Explanation: The normal tenure of the Lok Sabha, the lower house of India’s Parliament, is five years unless dissolved sooner.

10. Who has the authority to dissolve the Lok Sabha?

A) Chief Justice of India
B) Speaker
C) Prime Minister
D) President

Answer: D) President
Explanation: The President of India has the authority to dissolve the Lok Sabha on the advice of the Prime Minister.

11. Which Article of the Indian Constitution provides for the establishment of the Finance Commission?

A) Article 280
B) Article 275
C) Article 292
D) Article 282

Answer: A) Article 280
Explanation: Article 280 provides for the establishment of the Finance Commission to recommend the distribution of taxes between the Union and the States.

12. What is the maximum strength of the Lok Sabha?

A) 552
B) 545
C) 540
D) 543

Answer: A) 552
Explanation: The maximum strength of the Lok Sabha is 552 members, out of which 530 represent states, 20 represent union territories, and 2 are nominated by the President from the Anglo-Indian community.

13. The term 'Federation' is not mentioned in the Indian Constitution, instead, it is referred to as:

A) Union of States
B) Confederation
C) United Republic
D) Commonwealth

Answer: A) Union of States
Explanation: The Indian Constitution refers to India as a “Union of States,” emphasizing the indestructible nature of the Indian union.

14. Who is the custodian of the Indian Constitution?

A) Parliament
B) President
C) Supreme Court
D) Prime Minister

Answer: C) Supreme Court
Explanation: The Supreme Court of India is considered the custodian of the Constitution, as it has the power to interpret and protect it.

15. Which of the following is not a feature of a Federal Government?

A) Division of powers
B) Bicameralism
C) Dual Citizenship
D) Unitary Constitution

Answer: D) Unitary Constitution
Explanation: A Unitary Constitution is characterized by a single central government, whereas a federal government involves a division of powers between the central and regional governments.

16. Which Amendment Act is known as the 'Mini Constitution'?

A) 42nd Amendment Act
B) 44th Amendment Act
C) 24th Amendment Act
D) 52nd Amendment Act

Answer: A) 42nd Amendment Act
Explanation: The 42nd Amendment Act of 1976 is known as the ‘Mini Constitution’ due to its comprehensive changes to the Constitution, affecting its structure and content.

17. The concept of 'Preamble' in the Indian Constitution was borrowed from:

A) Canada
B) United Kingdom
D) Australia

Answer: C) USA
Explanation: The concept of the Preamble in the Indian Constitution was borrowed from the Constitution of the United States.

18. Who was the first woman to be elected as the Speaker of the Lok Sabha?

A) Sumitra Mahajan
B) Meira Kumar
C) Indira Gandhi
D) Sucheta Kriplani

Answer: B) Meira Kumar
Explanation: Meira Kumar was the first woman to be elected as the Speaker of the Lok Sabha, serving from 2009 to 2014.

19. Which Article of the Indian Constitution deals with the Amendment process?

A) Article 368
B) Article 356
C) Article 360
D) Article 365

Answer: A) Article 368
Explanation: Article 368 provides the procedure for the amendment of the Indian Constitution.

20. The Ninth Schedule of the Indian Constitution was introduced to:

A) Establish a fundamental duties charter
B) Promote uniform civil code
C) Protect land reform laws
D) Implement emergency provisions

Answer: C) Protect land reform laws
Explanation: The Ninth Schedule was introduced by the 1st Amendment in 1951 to protect land reform and other laws from judicial review.

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