MCQs on Idioms & Phrases

[Set - 5]

1. What does "Throw in the towel" mean?

A) To delay a task indefinitely
B) To give up on something completely
C) To keep fighting despite challenges
D) To start working on something new

Correct Answer: B) To give up on something completely
Explanation: “Throw in the towel” originates from boxing, where a towel is thrown into the ring as a sign of surrender. It means to give up when you realize you cannot succeed.

2. What does "Under the weather" mean?

A) Feeling slightly unwell
B) Feeling extremely happy
C) Being caught in a difficult situation
D) Experiencing an emotional breakdown

Correct Answer: A) Feeling slightly unwell
Explanation: “Under the weather” means feeling ill or not in the best health. It is often used when someone has a minor cold or isn’t feeling well.

3. What does "Bite the bullet" mean?

A) To face a difficult situation bravely
B) To avoid a challenge entirely
C) To start an argument with someone
D) To confront someone angrily

Correct Answer: A) To face a difficult situation bravely
Explanation: “Bite the bullet” means to endure a painful or unpleasant situation with courage, often because there’s no other choice.

4. What does "Beat around the bush" mean?

A) To speak directly about an issue
B) To avoid addressing the main topic
C) To confront someone openly
D) To take immediate action

Correct Answer: B) To avoid addressing the main topic
Explanation: “Beat around the bush” refers to avoiding the main issue or not speaking directly, often to delay discussing something uncomfortable.

5. What does "Once in a blue moon" mean?

A) Something that is bound to happen soon
B) Something that occurs every day
C) A frequent occurrence in life
D) An event that happens very rarely

Correct Answer: D) An event that happens very rarely
Explanation: “Once in a blue moon” means that something happens extremely infrequently, almost never. It’s used to describe rare events.

6. What does "Break the bank" mean?

A) To earn a great deal of money
B) To save a lot of money
C) To spend all your money
D) To steal from a bank

Correct Answer: C) To spend all your money
Explanation: “Break the bank” means to use up all of your financial resources or spend a large amount of money, often more than one can afford.

7. What does "Spill the beans" mean?

A) To hide important details
B) To reveal a secret or sensitive information
C) To exaggerate a situation
D) To prevent someone from finding out the truth

Correct Answer: B) To reveal a secret or sensitive information
Explanation: “Spill the beans” means to disclose confidential or secret information, often accidentally or prematurely.

8. What does "Take with a grain of salt" mean?

A) To completely trust what is being said
B) To be highly critical of someone
C) To treat something with skepticism
D) To accept advice without question

Correct Answer: C) To treat something with skepticism
Explanation: “Take with a grain of salt” means to not fully believe something, especially when the information could be exaggerated or unreliable.

9. What does "Go the extra mile" mean?

A) To do more than what is expected
B) To barely meet expectations
C) To complete a task just in time
D) To ignore responsibilities completely

Correct Answer: A) To do more than what is expected
Explanation: “Go the extra mile” refers to putting in additional effort beyond what is necessary or expected in order to achieve success or help others.

10. What does "The elephant in the room" mean?

A) An issue that is unimportant
B) A topic everyone avoids but knows exists
C) A solution that everyone agrees on
D) A problem that can easily be solved

Correct Answer: B) A topic everyone avoids but knows exists
Explanation: “The elephant in the room” refers to a significant problem or issue that is obvious to everyone but is being ignored or avoided in conversation.

11. What does "Burn the midnight oil" mean?

A) To work on something during the day
B) To give up on a task halfway through
C) To start a new project early in the morning
D) To work late into the night

Correct Answer: D) To work late into the night
Explanation: “Burn the midnight oil” means to stay up late working on something, typically studying or working on an important task.

12. What does "Let the cat out of the bag" mean?

A) To keep a secret
B) To reveal a secret unintentionally
C) To intentionally spread false information
D) To hide something from everyone

Correct Answer: B) To reveal a secret unintentionally
Explanation: “Let the cat out of the bag” means to disclose something that was meant to remain hidden or secret, often by mistake.

13. What does "Bark up the wrong tree" mean?

A) To blame the right person for a problem
B) To resolve a conflict peacefully
C) To make an effort in the wrong direction
D) To focus on the correct issue

Correct Answer: C) To make an effort in the wrong direction
Explanation: “Bark up the wrong tree” means to pursue a mistaken or misguided course of action, especially when addressing a problem.

14. What does "Jump on the bandwagon" mean?

A) To start a new trend
B) To support something just because it’s popular
C) To be the last to follow a trend
D) To criticize popular opinions

Correct Answer: B) To support something just because it’s popular
Explanation: “Jump on the bandwagon” means to join in on something that is currently trendy or widely supported, often without critical consideration.

15. What does "Caught between a rock and a hard place" mean?

A) Facing two equally bad options
B) Having two easy choices to make
C) Being stuck in a comfortable situation
D) Being forced to choose the best option

Correct Answer: A) Facing two equally bad options
Explanation: “Caught between a rock and a hard place” means being in a difficult situation with no good alternatives, often where both choices seem unfavorable.

16. What does "Steal someone’s thunder" mean?

A) To take credit for someone else’s work
B) To give someone too much attention
C) To avoid giving someone recognition
D) To support someone in their success

Correct Answer: A) To take credit for someone else’s work
Explanation: “Steal someone’s thunder” means to take attention or praise away from someone by taking credit for their work or ideas.

17. What does "The tip of the iceberg" mean?

A) A complete solution to a problem
B) Only a small visible part of a much larger problem
C) A minor issue with little importance
D) The final result of something complicated

Correct Answer: B) Only a small visible part of a much larger problem
Explanation: “The tip of the iceberg” refers to the visible part of a much larger issue or problem, suggesting there is more beneath the surface.

18. What does "Pull someone’s leg" mean?

A) To physically restrain someone
B) To deceive someone humorously
C) To prevent someone from doing something
D) To give someone serious advice

Correct Answer: B) To deceive someone humorously
Explanation: “Pull someone’s leg” means to joke or tease someone, often in a playful or humorous way, without causing harm.

19. What does "Hit the nail on the head" mean?

A) To make a mistake in judgment
B) To misunderstand a situation
C) To express something very accurately
D) To describe something vaguely

Correct Answer: C) To express something very accurately
Explanation: “Hit the nail on the head” means to state or understand something exactly right, without missing the point.

20. What does "Grasp at straws" mean?

A) To hold onto something firmly
B) To organize things neatly
C) To make a futile or desperate attempt
D) To start a new project

Correct Answer: C) To make a futile or desperate attempt
Explanation: “Grasp at straws” means to make desperate or ineffective attempts to solve a problem when there are no good solutions available.

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