MCQs on Idioms & Phrases

[Set - 4]

1. What does "Hit the nail on the head" mean?

A) To avoid answering a question directly
B) To describe something perfectly or accurately
C) To complicate a situation
D) To strike at the wrong place

Correct Answer: B) To describe something perfectly or accurately
Explanation: “Hit the nail on the head” means to get something exactly right or describe a situation with precision. This idiom is often used when someone gives an accurate answer or explanation.

2. What does "On cloud nine" mean?

A) Feeling confused
B) Being undecided
C) Experiencing a bad day
D) Being very happy or elated

Correct Answer: D) Being very happy or elated
Explanation: “On cloud nine” refers to being in a state of great happiness or excitement. The phrase conveys a feeling of extreme joy.

3. What does "The ball is in your court" mean?

A) To have no choice in a matter
B) To be indecisive about an issue
C) To take responsibility for making a decision
D) To ask for someone else’s opinion

Correct Answer: C) To take responsibility for making a decision
Explanation: “The ball is in your court” means that it is now your turn or responsibility to take action or make a decision regarding a situation.

4. What does "Break the ice" mean?

A) To begin a conversation in a social setting
B) To end a difficult conversation
C) To ignore someone intentionally
D) To create tension in a situation

Correct Answer: A) To begin a conversation in a social setting
Explanation: “Break the ice” is used when someone starts a conversation or interaction to reduce tension and make others feel comfortable in a social setting.

5. What does "Burn bridges" mean?

A) To repair relationships
B) To sever ties and prevent future relationships
C) To maintain a neutral position
D) To build new connections

Correct Answer: B) To sever ties and prevent future relationships
Explanation: “Burn bridges” means to end relationships in such a way that you cannot go back or rebuild them, often by causing harm or offense in the process.

6. What does "Call it a day" mean?

A) To finish or stop working for the day
B) To continue working late
C) To delay a task until the next day
D) To avoid work altogether

Correct Answer: A) To finish or stop working for the day
Explanation: “Call it a day” refers to stopping work or deciding that you’ve done enough for the day. It signifies the end of a task or activity.

7. What does "Costs an arm and a leg" mean?

A) Something that is very cheap
B) Something that is freely available
C) Something that is of poor quality
D) Something that is extremely expensive

Correct Answer: D) Something that is extremely expensive
Explanation: “Costs an arm and a leg” is a way of saying that something is very costly or expensive, implying that it is nearly unaffordable.

8. What does "Cut to the chase" mean?

A) To speak about unrelated topics
B) To focus directly on the main issue
C) To avoid discussing important matters
D) To extend the discussion unnecessarily

Correct Answer: B) To focus directly on the main issue
Explanation: “Cut to the chase” means to get straight to the point without wasting time on irrelevant details. It’s often used when someone is asked to focus on the main issue.

9. What does "Devil’s advocate" mean?

A) To support a well-accepted argument
B) To agree with someone’s viewpoint
C) To oppose an idea purely for the sake of debate
D) To encourage consensus

Correct Answer: C) To oppose an idea purely for the sake of debate
Explanation: “Playing devil’s advocate” involves taking a position against a popular or widely accepted argument in order to provoke discussion or test the strength of the opposing side.

10. What does "Elvis has left the building" mean?

A) The show is over or someone has departed
B) The event is about to start
C) Someone is taking a break
D) The audience is returning for an encore

Correct Answer: A) The show is over or someone has departed
Explanation: This idiom means that an event or situation is over, or someone important has left. It originated from Elvis Presley concerts, signaling the end of the show.

11. What does "Hit the books" mean?

A) To destroy books physically
B) To start studying hard
C) To choose a book to read
D) To organize a book club

Correct Answer: B) To start studying hard
Explanation: “Hit the books” is an idiom meaning to begin studying intensely. It’s often used by students preparing for exams or assignments.

12. What does "Jump on the bandwagon" mean?

A) To take action early
B) To oppose a movement
C) To support a popular trend or activity
D) To avoid making decisions

Correct Answer: C) To support a popular trend or activity
Explanation: “Jump on the bandwagon” refers to joining a cause or movement that is currently popular or gaining widespread support, often to fit in or avoid missing out.

13. What does "Keep your chin up" mean?

A) To stay positive and cheerful during tough times
B) To maintain a neutral stance
C) To ignore challenges
D) To question everything you do

Correct Answer: A) To stay positive and cheerful during tough times
Explanation: “Keep your chin up” means to remain optimistic and maintain your confidence, even in difficult or discouraging situations.

14. What does "Kill two birds with one stone" mean?

A) To accomplish two tasks with one effort
B) To solve multiple problems in different ways
C) To make a situation worse
D) To fail at multiple tasks

Correct Answer: A) To accomplish two tasks with one effort
Explanation: This idiom means that you can complete two objectives at once with a single action, saving time and effort.

15. What does "Let the cat out of the bag" mean?

A) To reveal a secret unintentionally
B) To avoid making a mistake
C) To control a situation
D) To act cautiously in revealing information

Correct Answer: A) To reveal a secret unintentionally
Explanation: “Let the cat out of the bag” refers to accidentally revealing a secret or information that was meant to be kept confidential.

16. What does "Miss the boat" mean?

A) To misunderstand a situation
B) To be too late for an opportunity
C) To ignore an important event
D) To leave something unfinished

Correct Answer: B) To be too late for an opportunity
Explanation: “Miss the boat” means to miss an opportunity or fail to take advantage of something due to being too late.

17. What does "On the ball" mean?

A) To be disorganized
B) To avoid paying attention
C) To be alert and quick to respond
D) To ignore responsibilities

Correct Answer: C) To be alert and quick to respond
Explanation: “On the ball” means to be highly attentive and capable of responding quickly to situations. This idiom is often used to describe someone who is efficient and proactive.

18. What does "Once in a blue moon" mean?

A) A common occurrence
B) Something that occurs frequently
C) An event that happens annually
D) Something that happens very rarely

Correct Answer: D) Something that happens very rarely
Explanation: “Once in a blue moon” refers to events that occur very infrequently or are extremely rare, often unexpected.

19. What does "Sit on the fence" mean?

A) To choose sides in a debate
B) To avoid making a decision or choice
C) To criticize both sides equally
D) To ignore an important issue

Correct Answer: B) To avoid making a decision or choice
Explanation: “Sit on the fence” means to remain neutral or undecided in a situation, often by not committing to any side or opinion.

20. What does "Speak of the devil" mean?

A) To talk about negative situations
B) To mention someone and have them appear
C) To summon someone intentionally
D) To spread rumors about others

Correct Answer: B) To mention someone and have them appear
Explanation: “Speak of the devil” is said when a person you were just talking about unexpectedly appears or shows up in the conversation.

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