MCQs on Idioms & Phrases

[Set - 3]

1. What does the idiom "Don’t cry wolf" mean?

A) Don’t make false claims to attract attention
B) Don’t alert others without a reason
C) Don’t scare others with unproven dangers
D) Don’t make loud noises for no reason

Correct Answer: A) Don’t make false claims to attract attention
Explanation: “Don’t cry wolf” means not to raise a false alarm repeatedly, as it can lead to others ignoring you when you really need help.

2. What does "Elvis has left the building" mean?

A) The main performer has arrived
B) The event has come to an end
C) A surprise is expected soon
D) The situation is about to start

Correct Answer: B) The event has come to an end
Explanation: “Elvis has left the building” is often used to indicate that something has finished or there is nothing more to be seen.

3. What does "Every cloud has a silver lining" mean?

A) A moment that never occurs
B) Something that is very easy to do
C) Every situation is entirely bad or good
D) Every bad situation has something positive

Correct Answer: D) Every bad situation has something positive
Explanation: This phrase means that even in difficult situations, there’s always a positive aspect or hope.

4. What does "Feel under the weather" mean?

A) To dislike the weather conditions
B) To be afraid of the cold
C) To be unusually happy
D) To feel unwell or sick

Correct Answer: D) To feel unwell or sick
Explanation: “Feel under the weather” refers to feeling slightly ill.

5. What does "Give someone the cold shoulder" mean?

A) To help someone with advice
B) To greet someone with a hug
C) To assist someone in need
D) To ignore someone intentionally

Correct Answer: D) To ignore someone intentionally
Explanation: This idiom means to deliberately ignore or shun someone.

6. What does "Hit the nail on the head" mean?

A) To do something exactly right
B) To finish a task carelessly
C) To avoid a difficult situation
D) To miss the point entirely

Correct Answer: A) To do something exactly right
Explanation: “Hit the nail on the head” means to perfectly identify or do something correctly.

7. What does "In the heat of the moment" mean?

A) To delay taking any action or response
B) To act impulsively due to strong emotions
C) To make a calculated decision after thinking
D) To calmly assess a situation before acting

Correct Answer: B) To act impulsively due to strong emotions
Explanation: This phrase refers to doing something in an emotional or rushed state, without thinking it through.

8. What does "It takes two to tango" mean?

A) A single person is responsible for an issue
B) To avoid collaborating with others
C) Two parties are needed to solve a problem
D) Only one individual should be blamed for a mistake

Correct Answer: C) Two parties are needed to solve a problem
Explanation: This idiom means that both parties are usually responsible in any situation, especially conflicts.

9. What does "Kill two birds with one stone" mean?

A) To create more problems by acting impulsively
B) To solve two problems with one action
C) To face two issues without a solution
D) To cause unnecessary complications

Correct Answer: B) To solve two problems with one action
Explanation: “Kill two birds with one stone” refers to accomplishing two things at once.

10. What does "Let the cat out of the bag" mean?

A) To conceal important information
B) To reveal a secret
C) To cook beans
D) To successfully hide something

Correct Answer: B) To reveal a secret
Explanation: This idiom means to reveal something that was supposed to be kept confidential.

11. What does "Once in a blue moon" mean?

A) An event that occurs frequently
B) Something that happens on a daily basis
C) Something that happens very rarely
D) A moment that never occurs

Correct Answer: C) Something that happens very rarely
Explanation: “Once in a blue moon” means something that happens very infrequently.

12. What does "On the ball" mean?

A) To act with complete indifference
B) To be caught off guard frequently
C) To be highly competent and alert
D) To be slow to react

Correct Answer: C) To be highly competent and alert
Explanation: This idiom refers to being quick to understand or react to a situation.

13. What does "Pull someone’s leg" mean?

A) To trick someone into working hard
B) To tease or joke with someone
C) To give someone genuine advice
D) To physically harm someone

Correct Answer: B) To tease or joke with someone
Explanation: “Pull someone’s leg” means to joke or fool someone in a playful way.

14. What does "See eye to eye" mean?

A) To communicate without speaking
B) To be in constant disagreement
C) To agree with someone on an issue
D) To avoid direct confrontation

Correct Answer: C) To agree with someone on an issue
Explanation: “See eye to eye” means to agree with someone or share the same viewpoint.

15. What does "Sit on the fence" mean?

A) To avoid making a decision or commitment
B) To choose sides without hesitation
C) To act impulsively
D) To take a firm stand on an issue

Correct Answer: A) To avoid making a decision or commitment
Explanation: “Sit on the fence” means to remain neutral and not take sides in a situation.

16. What does "Speak of the devil" mean?

A) To summon someone by calling their name
B) To discuss the negative traits of someone
C) To mention someone just before they appear
D) To talk about a dangerous person

Correct Answer: C) To mention someone just before they appear
Explanation: This idiom is used when the person you were talking about unexpectedly appears.

17. What does "Steal someone’s thunder" mean?

A) To offer someone assistance secretly
B) To refuse help when needed
C) To encourage someone’s success
D) To take credit for someone else’s work

Correct Answer: D) To take credit for someone else’s work
Explanation: “Steal someone’s thunder” refers to taking attention or praise that someone else deserves.

18. What does "Take it with a grain of salt" mean?

A) To blindly believe anything told
B) To ignore all advice given by others
C) To view something with skepticism
D) To accept everything as absolute truth

Correct Answer: C) To view something with skepticism
Explanation: This idiom means to not take something too seriously or at face value.

19. What does "The ball is in your court" mean?

A) To make a decision or take action now
B) To avoid making a decision
C) To have someone else control the situation
D) To be passive and wait for others

Correct Answer: A) To make a decision or take action now
Explanation: “The ball is in your court” means it’s your turn to take action or make a decision.

20. What does "Throw in the towel" mean?

A) To continue fighting until the end
B) To accept defeat or give up
C) To avoid taking a risk
D) To celebrate a victory

Correct Answer: B) To accept defeat or give up
Explanation: “Throw in the towel” means to stop trying after failing or to concede defeat.

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