MCQs on Cloze Test

[Set - 9]


The importance of water conservation is increasingly recognized as freshwater resources around the world face mounting pressures from overuse and climate change. Effective water management strategies are essential to __________ (A) the sustainability of these resources for future generations. One of the primary methods of promoting water conservation is through public education campaigns that __________ (B) the importance of reducing water waste. These campaigns often encourage simple changes in daily habits, such as fixing leaks and using water-efficient appliances, which can __________ (C) a significant difference in water usage.

Additionally, technological advancements have led to the development of innovative solutions that __________ (D) water efficiency in industrial and agricultural sectors. For example, smart irrigation systems can precisely control the amount of water used on crops, reducing unnecessary water expenditure. Governments and environmental organizations also __________ (E) policies that incentivize the adoption of such technologies.

Another critical aspect of water management is the restoration and protection of natural ecosystems that __________ (F) as natural water filters. Wetlands, for instance, play a crucial role in purifying water and replenishing groundwater supplies. Efforts to protect these vital areas often include __________ (G) regulations that restrict development and pollution in sensitive environments.

As populations grow and the demand for water increases, the challenge of managing this vital resource becomes more complex. Cities and municipalities are increasingly turning to __________ (H) water sources such as rainwater harvesting and recycled wastewater to meet their water needs. These alternative sources not only alleviate pressure on freshwater resources but also __________ (I) resilience to water scarcity.

Ultimately, the collective efforts of individuals, communities, and governments are necessary to ensure that water resources are used responsibly and __________ (J). Only through a comprehensive approach that includes education, technology, policy, and community engagement can we hope to address the pressing challenges of water conservation and sustainability.

1. Which of the following words can fill in the blank labelled as (A) in the passage?

A) ensure
B) prevent
C) eliminate
D) undermine

Correct Answer: A) ensure
Explanation: “Ensure” is the correct choice as it conveys the idea of making certain that water resources remain sustainable for future use.

2. Which of the following words can fill in the blank labelled as (B) in the passage?

A) undermine
B) disregard
C) highlight
D) confuse

Correct Answer: C) highlight
Explanation: “Highlight” fits best as it means to emphasize the importance, in this case, of reducing water waste through public education.

3. Which of the following words can fill in the blank labelled as (C) in the passage?

A) minimize
B) create
C) exacerbate
D) make

Correct Answer: D) make
Explanation: “Make” is suitable here as it completes the phrase “make a significant difference,” a common expression for indicating meaningful impact.

4. Which of the following words can fill in the blank labelled as (D) in the passage?

A) decrease
B) obstruct
C) improve
D) halt

Correct Answer: C) improve
Explanation: “Improve” is the appropriate choice because it relates to enhancing water efficiency through technological innovations.

5. Which of the following words can fill in the blank labelled as (E) in the passage?

A) resist
B) implement
C) reject
D) abandon

Correct Answer: B) implement
Explanation: “Implement” correctly describes the action of putting policies into effect, especially those that promote the use of water-efficient technologies.

6. Which of the following words can fill in the blank labelled as (F) in the passage?

A) deteriorate
B) function
C) collapse
D) mimic

Correct Answer: B) function
Explanation: “Function” is used here in the sense of serving a purpose, specifically, natural ecosystems acting as water filters.

7. Which of the following words can fill in the blank labelled as (G) in the passage?

A) enforcing
B) softening
C) removing
D) promoting

Correct Answer: A) enforcing
Explanation: “Enforcing” implies the application of laws or rules, suitable for regulations that protect environmental areas.

8. Which of the following words can fill in the blank labelled as (H) in the passage?

A) depleting
B) augmenting
C) ignoring
D) alternative

Correct Answer: D) alternative
Explanation: “Alternative” is relevant here as it introduces other sources of water like rainwater and recycled wastewater, offering options besides traditional freshwater sources.

9. Which of the following words can fill in the blank labelled as (I) in the passage?

A) decrease
B) build
C) eliminate
D) divert

Correct Answer: B) build
Explanation: “Build” relates to increasing or strengthening resilience against water scarcity by using alternative water sources.

10. Which of the following words can fill in the blank labelled as (J) in the passage?

A) wasted
B) distributed
C) priced
D) conserved

Correct Answer: D) conserved
Explanation: “Conserved” completes the thought on responsible usage and the sustainability of water resources effectively.

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