MCQs on Cloze Test

[Set - 2]


The concept of a circular economy is gaining traction worldwide as a sustainable model for __________ (A) resource management. Unlike the traditional linear economy, which follows a ‘take, make, dispose’ model, a circular economy aims to __________ (B) waste and make the most of available resources. It involves rethinking product design, manufacturing processes, and consumption patterns to create a closed-loop system. This system __________ (C) on reusing, repairing, refurbishing, and recycling existing materials and products. By doing so, it helps reduce environmental impact and __________ (D) the lifespan of products. The transition to a circular economy requires a __________ (E) shift in business practices and consumer behavior. Companies must embrace sustainable practices and design products with their entire lifecycle in mind. Additionally, consumers play a __________ (F) role by adopting responsible consumption habits and supporting sustainable brands. Governments also have a crucial role in __________ (G) policies that encourage circular practices. Such policies can include incentives for recycling, restrictions on single-use plastics, and support for innovative waste management technologies. As the world __________ (H) with increasing environmental challenges, the adoption of a circular economy model becomes more critical. It offers a __________ (I) for sustainable growth that benefits the economy, society, and the environment. However, implementing this model is not without its challenges, including __________ (J) costs and the need for global cooperation.

1. Which of the following words can fill in the blank labelled as (A) in the passage?

A) inefficient
B) efficient
C) abundant
D) scarce

Correct Answer: B) efficient
Explanation: The circular economy aims for efficient resource management, unlike traditional models that can be wasteful.

2. Which of the following words can fill in the blank labelled as (B) in the passage?

A) maximize
B) eliminate
C) ignore
D) enhance

Correct Answer: B) eliminate
Explanation: The goal is to eliminate waste in a circular economy by reusing and recycling resources.

3. Which of the following words can fill in the blank labelled as (C) in the passage?

A) depends
B) distracts
C) relies
D) supports

Correct Answer: C) relies
Explanation: A circular economy relies on practices such as reusing and recycling to sustain the system.

4. Which of the following words can fill in the blank labelled as (D) in the passage?

A) decrease
B) enhance
C) shorten
D) extend

Correct Answer: D) extend
Explanation: The circular economy aims to extend the lifespan of products through practices like repair and refurbishment.

5. Which of the following words can fill in the blank labelled as (E) in the passage?

A) fundamental
B) minor
C) optional
D) superficial

Correct Answer: A) fundamental
Explanation: A fundamental shift is necessary to transition to a circular economy, affecting business and consumer practices.

6. Which of the following words can fill in the blank labelled as (F) in the passage?

A) passive
B) negligible
C) active
D) minimal

Correct Answer: C) active
Explanation: Consumers play an active role in adopting sustainable practices and supporting the circular economy.

7. Which of the following words can fill in the blank labelled as (G) in the passage?

A) ignoring
B) implementing
C) avoiding
D) weakening

Correct Answer: B) implementing
Explanation: Governments implement policies to support and encourage the circular economy, such as recycling incentives.

8. Which of the following words can fill in the blank labelled as (H) in the passage?

A) thrives
B) grapples
C) relaxes
D) ignores

Correct Answer: B) grapples
Explanation: The world grapples with environmental challenges, making the circular economy’s adoption crucial.

9. Which of the following words can fill in the blank labelled as (I) in the passage?

A) roadmap
B) barrier
C) obstacle
D) roadblock

Correct Answer: A) roadmap
Explanation: A circular economy provides a roadmap for sustainable growth, benefiting multiple sectors.

10. Which of the following words can fill in the blank labelled as (J) in the passage?

A) negligible
B) decreasing
C) high
D) negligible

Correct Answer: C) high
Explanation: Implementing a circular economy can involve high costs and requires cooperation at a global level.

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