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MCQs on Idioms & Phrases [Set – 6]

MCQs on Idioms & Phrases 1. What does “Grasp at straws” mean? A) To try desperately to save a hopeless situationB) To hold onto something very tightlyC) To reach for something out of reachD) To waste time on unimportant matters Show Answer Correct Answer: A) To try desperately to save a hopeless situationExplanation: “Grasping at straws” refers to trying anything possible, even if it’s unlikely to succeed, in a desperate attempt to avoid a negative outcome. 2. What does “Have a chip on your shoulder” mean? A) To be extremely confident and proudB) To be easily angered or hold a grudgeC) To be very careful about your appearanceD) To be indifferent to other people’s opinions Show Answer Correct Answer: B) To be easily angered or hold a grudgeExplanation: “Have a chip on your shoulder” means to have a grudge or to be easily upset, often due to past grievances...

MCQs on Idioms & Phrases [Set – 5]

MCQs on Idioms & Phrases 1. What does “Throw in the towel” mean? A) To delay a task indefinitelyB) To give up on something completelyC) To keep fighting despite challengesD) To start working on something new Show Answer Correct Answer: B) To give up on something completelyExplanation: “Throw in the towel” originates from boxing, where a towel is thrown into the ring as a sign of surrender. It means to give up when you realize you cannot succeed. 2. What does “Under the weather” mean? A) Feeling slightly unwellB) Feeling extremely happyC) Being caught in a difficult situationD) Experiencing an emotional breakdown Show Answer Correct Answer: A) Feeling slightly unwellExplanation: “Under the weather” means feeling ill or not in the best health. It is often used when someone has a minor cold or isn’t feeling well. 3. What does “Bite the bullet” mean? A) To face a difficult situation...

MCQs on Idioms & Phrases [Set – 4]

MCQs on Idioms & Phrases 1. What does “Hit the nail on the head” mean? A) To avoid answering a question directlyB) To describe something perfectly or accuratelyC) To complicate a situationD) To strike at the wrong place Show Answer Correct Answer: B) To describe something perfectly or accuratelyExplanation: “Hit the nail on the head” means to get something exactly right or describe a situation with precision. This idiom is often used when someone gives an accurate answer or explanation. 2. What does “On cloud nine” mean? A) Feeling confusedB) Being undecidedC) Experiencing a bad dayD) Being very happy or elated Show Answer Correct Answer: D) Being very happy or elatedExplanation: “On cloud nine” refers to being in a state of great happiness or excitement. The phrase conveys a feeling of extreme joy. 3. What does “The ball is in your court” mean? A) To have no choice in...

MCQs on Idioms & Phrases [Set – 3]

MCQs on Idioms & Phrases 1. What does the idiom “Don’t cry wolf” mean? A) Don’t make false claims to attract attentionB) Don’t alert others without a reasonC) Don’t scare others with unproven dangersD) Don’t make loud noises for no reason Show Answer Correct Answer: A) Don’t make false claims to attract attentionExplanation: “Don’t cry wolf” means not to raise a false alarm repeatedly, as it can lead to others ignoring you when you really need help. 2. What does “Elvis has left the building” mean? A) The main performer has arrivedB) The event has come to an endC) A surprise is expected soonD) The situation is about to start Show Answer Correct Answer: B) The event has come to an endExplanation: “Elvis has left the building” is often used to indicate that something has finished or there is nothing more to be seen. 3. What does “Every cloud...

MCQs on Idioms & Phrases [Set – 2]

MCQs on Idioms & Phrases 1. What does the idiom “A blessing in disguise” mean? A) Something that seems bad at first but turns out goodB) A curse that brings misfortuneC) A hidden opportunity for successD) Something that improves gradually over time Show Answer Correct Answer: A) Something that seems bad at first but turns out goodExplanation: “A blessing in disguise” refers to an event or situation that initially appears negative but eventually results in something positive. 2. What does “A dime a dozen” mean? A) Something very expensiveB) Something rare and valuableC) Something common and of little valueD) Something that has increased in price Show Answer Correct Answer: C) Something common and of little valueExplanation: “A dime a dozen” means something that is very common and therefore not highly valued. 3. What does the phrase “Actions speak louder than words” convey? A) What you say is more important...
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