MCQs on Idioms & Phrases

[Set - 6]

1. What does "Grasp at straws" mean?

A) To try desperately to save a hopeless situation
B) To hold onto something very tightly
C) To reach for something out of reach
D) To waste time on unimportant matters

Correct Answer: A) To try desperately to save a hopeless situation
Explanation: “Grasping at straws” refers to trying anything possible, even if it’s unlikely to succeed, in a desperate attempt to avoid a negative outcome.

2. What does "Have a chip on your shoulder" mean?

A) To be extremely confident and proud
B) To be easily angered or hold a grudge
C) To be very careful about your appearance
D) To be indifferent to other people’s opinions

Correct Answer: B) To be easily angered or hold a grudge
Explanation: “Have a chip on your shoulder” means to have a grudge or to be easily upset, often due to past grievances.

3. What does "Have bigger fish to fry" mean?

A) To finish a smaller task first
B) To cook more food
C) To start a new project
D) To deal with more important matters

Correct Answer: D) To deal with more important matters
Explanation: “Have bigger fish to fry” means to be concerned with more significant or important issues rather than minor ones.

4. What does "Hold your horses" mean?

A) To be patient and wait
B) To ride horses in a race
C) To take control of a situation
D) To prepare for an event

Correct Answer: A) To be patient and wait
Explanation: “Hold your horses” means to slow down and wait, often used to advise someone to be patient before taking action.

5. What does "In the nick of time" mean?

A) A little bit late
B) At the exact scheduled time
C) Just before it is too late
D) Ahead of schedule

Correct Answer: C) Just before it is too late
Explanation: “In the nick of time” means arriving or completing something just before the last possible moment.

6. What does "Jump the gun" mean?

A) To start something prematurely
B) To move quickly
C) To make a hasty decision
D) To take a risk

Correct Answer: A) To start something prematurely
Explanation: “Jump the gun” means to act too soon or start something before the appropriate or planned time.

7. What does "Keep your chin up" mean?

A) To maintain a serious attitude
B) To remain optimistic and cheerful
C) To physically keep your chin up while standing
D) To avoid speaking

Correct Answer: B) To remain optimistic and cheerful
Explanation: “Keep your chin up” means to stay positive and remain encouraged, even in difficult situations.

8. What does "Know the ropes" mean?

A) To ignore the procedures
B) To physically know how to tie knots
C) To be familiar with the details of a task
D) To learn new skills

Correct Answer: C) To be familiar with the details of a task
Explanation: “Know the ropes” means to be well-acquainted with the procedures or details of a task or job.

9. What does "Quit cold turkey" mean?

A) To abruptly stop a habit or activity
B) To cook a meal
C) To start a new activity gradually
D) To avoid making changes

Correct Answer: A) To abruptly stop a habit or activity
Explanation: “Quit cold turkey” means to stop a habit or activity abruptly and completely, without any gradual reduction.

10. What does "Read the riot act" mean?

A) To enforce rules
B) To read a legal document
C) To act in a chaotic manner
D) To reprimand someone severely

Correct Answer: D) To reprimand someone severely
Explanation: “Read the riot act” means to reprimand or warn someone in a serious manner, often about their behavior.

11. What does "Piece of the action" mean?

A) To receive a share of profits or benefits
B) To avoid participating in an activity
C) To be involved in an ongoing conflict
D) To witness an event without participating

Correct Answer: A) To receive a share of profits or benefits
Explanation: “Piece of the action” means to get a part of the benefits or profits from a particular situation or venture.

12. What does "Practice what you preach" mean?

A) To speak about theoretical concepts without applying them
B) To follow the advice you give to others
C) To avoid giving advice to others
D) To ignore personal beliefs in favor of others’ opinions

Correct Answer: B) To follow the advice you give to others
Explanation: “Practice what you preach” means to act according to the principles or advice you promote to others, ensuring consistency between words and actions.

13. What does "Pull yourself together" mean?

A) To calm down and regain control of your emotions
B) To separate yourself from a group
C) To begin a new project with enthusiasm
D) To continue working despite obstacles

Correct Answer: A) To calm down and regain control of your emotions
Explanation: “Pull yourself together” means to regain your composure and control your emotions, especially after a distressing or emotional situation.

14. What does "Rock the boat" mean?

A) To enjoy a leisurely boat ride
B) To balance a boat while on water
C) To create disturbance or trouble in a stable situation
D) To navigate through calm waters

Correct Answer: C) To create disturbance or trouble in a stable situation
Explanation: “Rock the boat” means to disrupt a situation that is currently stable or peaceful, often by introducing changes or creating issues.

15. What does "Roll with the punches" mean?

A) To physically dodge attacks during a fight
B) To avoid confrontation or conflict
C) To adjust to difficult circumstances
D) To remain inactive during a crisis

Correct Answer: C) To adjust to difficult circumstances
Explanation: “Roll with the punches” means to adapt and respond effectively to challenging or adverse situations, much like a boxer adjusting to punches.

16. What does "Speak of the devil" mean?

A) To mention someone who is not present
B) To speak about something with great enthusiasm
C) To use strong language when upset
D) To talk about someone who has just arrived

Correct Answer: D) To talk about someone who has just arrived
Explanation: “Speak of the devil” is used when someone you were talking about appears unexpectedly, as if they heard the conversation.

17. What does "Stand your ground" mean?

A) To physically stand on a specific spot
B) To maintain your position and not give in
C) To avoid making any changes or adjustments
D) To move to a more secure location

Correct Answer: B) To maintain your position and not give in
Explanation: “Stand your ground” means to hold firm and not yield or change your stance, especially in the face of opposition or challenge.

18. What does "Take a back seat" mean?

A) To allow someone else to take the lead
B) To physically sit in the rear of a vehicle
C) To avoid participating in a discussion
D) To take responsibility for a task

Correct Answer: A) To allow someone else to take the lead
Explanation: “Take a back seat” means to let someone else take charge or take a more prominent role while you assume a less active or less visible position.

19. What does "Take the bull by the horns" mean?

A) To face a difficult situation with courage
B) To physically handle a bull in a farm setting
C) To avoid dealing with a challenging problem
D) To delegate difficult tasks to others

Correct Answer: A) To face a difficult situation with courage
Explanation: “Take the bull by the horns” means to confront and deal with a challenging situation directly and bravely, taking control of it.

20. What does "Throw in the towel" mean?

A) To continue working despite difficulties
B) To start a new project with enthusiasm
C) To give up or admit defeat
D) To offer help or support to someone

Correct Answer: C) To give up or admit defeat
Explanation: “Throw in the towel” means to surrender or admit defeat after recognizing that continuing is no longer feasible.

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