MCQs on Idioms & Phrases

[Set - 2]

1. What does the idiom "A blessing in disguise" mean?

A) Something that seems bad at first but turns out good
B) A curse that brings misfortune
C) A hidden opportunity for success
D) Something that improves gradually over time

Correct Answer: A) Something that seems bad at first but turns out good
Explanation: “A blessing in disguise” refers to an event or situation that initially appears negative but eventually results in something positive.

2. What does "A dime a dozen" mean?

A) Something very expensive
B) Something rare and valuable
C) Something common and of little value
D) Something that has increased in price

Correct Answer: C) Something common and of little value
Explanation: “A dime a dozen” means something that is very common and therefore not highly valued.

3. What does the phrase "Actions speak louder than words" convey?

A) What you say is more important than what you do
B) Deeds are more impactful than promises
C) People believe only what they hear
D) Talk is the most effective form of communication

Correct Answer: B) Deeds are more impactful than promises
Explanation: “Actions speak louder than words” implies that people judge you more by what you do than by what you say.

4. What does "Add fuel to the fire" mean?

A) To calm down an already tense situation
B) To make a problem worse
C) To take no action in a conflict
D) To resolve a heated argument

Correct Answer: B) To make a problem worse
Explanation: “Add fuel to the fire” means to make an already bad situation even worse.

5. What is meant by "All bark and no bite"?

A) Someone who threatens but doesn’t act
B) A person who quietly takes action
C) A dangerous but silent individual
D) A calm person who acts aggressively

Correct Answer: A) Someone who threatens but doesn’t act
Explanation: “All bark and no bite” refers to someone who talks tough but doesn’t follow through with action.

6. What does it mean to be "All ears"?

A) To speak without being heard
B) To be deaf to someone’s concerns
C) To gossip about others
D) To be very attentive and ready to listen

Correct Answer: D) To be very attentive and ready to listen
Explanation: “All ears” means that someone is listening very attentively and is eager to hear what’s being said.

7. What does the idiom "At the drop of a hat" mean?

A) To wait for someone’s approval
B) To procrastinate
C) To act without hesitation
D) To be unsure of what to do

Correct Answer: C) To act without hesitation
Explanation: “At the drop of a hat” means to do something immediately, without any delay or hesitation.

8. What is meant by "Barking up the wrong tree"?

A) To pursue the wrong course of action
B) To focus on solving the right problem
C) To ask for help from the wrong person
D) To be constantly confused about decisions

Correct Answer: A) To pursue the wrong course of action
Explanation: “Barking up the wrong tree” means to direct efforts toward the wrong solution or target.

9. What does "Beat around the bush" mean?

A) To resolve an issue directly
B) To avoid addressing the main issue
C) To go straight to the point
D) To cut down trees without hesitation

Correct Answer: B) To avoid addressing the main issue
Explanation: “Beat around the bush” refers to avoiding the main point, often by talking in a roundabout way.

10. What does "Bite off more than you can chew" mean?

A) To handle responsibilities with ease
B) To take on more responsibilities than you can handle
C) To avoid responsibilities altogether
D) To complete tasks ahead of schedule

Correct Answer: B) To take on more responsibilities than you can handle
Explanation: “Bite off more than you can chew” means to attempt something that is too difficult or beyond your capacity.

11. What does "Bite the bullet" mean?

A) To avoid a challenge
B) To act carelessly in a dangerous situation
C) To back out from a difficult decision
D) To endure a painful experience bravely

Correct Answer: D) To endure a painful experience bravely
Explanation: “Bite the bullet” means to face a painful or unpleasant situation with courage.

12. What does "Break the ice" mean?

A) To confront someone angrily
B) To solve a complex problem
C) To start a conversation in a social setting
D) To ignore people in a gathering

Correct Answer: C) To start a conversation in a social setting
Explanation: “Break the ice” refers to doing something to initiate a conversation or interaction in an awkward or tense environment.

13. What does "Burn the midnight oil" mean?

A) To work late into the night
B) To sleep early
C) To start working at dawn
D) To take frequent breaks during work

Correct Answer: A) To work late into the night
Explanation: “Burn the midnight oil” means to work or study late into the night.

14. What is meant by "By the skin of your teeth"?

A) To achieve something with ease
B) To narrowly escape a difficult situation
C) To completely fail at a task
D) To win by a large margin

Correct Answer: B) To narrowly escape a difficult situation
Explanation: “By the skin of your teeth” refers to barely succeeding or surviving a difficult situation.

15. What does "Call it a day" mean?

A) To stop working for the day
B) To begin an important task
C) To work tirelessly through the night
D) To delay completing tasks

Correct Answer: A) To stop working for the day
Explanation: “Call it a day” means to decide that one has done enough work for the day and to stop working.

16. What does the idiom "Cut corners" mean?

A) To use efficient methods to complete tasks
B) To achieve results by working hard
C) To do something poorly to save time or money
D) To perform tasks with precision and care

Correct Answer: C) To do something poorly to save time or money
Explanation: “Cut corners” refers to doing something in a way that is easier or cheaper but results in lower quality.

17. What does "Cut to the chase" mean?

A) To delay an important conversation
B) To avoid discussing the main topic
C) To get to the point without wasting time
D) To give unnecessary details

Correct Answer: C) To get to the point without wasting time
Explanation: “Cut to the chase” means to speak or act directly without unnecessary distractions or details.

18. What does "Cry over spilled milk" mean?

A) To cry for no apparent reason
B) To take action to fix a problem
C) To celebrate past achievements
D) To complain about a problem that cannot be undone

Correct Answer: D) To complain about a problem that cannot be undone
Explanation: “Cry over spilled milk” means to waste time feeling upset about something that has already happened and cannot be changed.

19. What does "Devil’s advocate" mean?

A) To blindly support an idea
B) To argue against something for the sake of debate
C) To agree with everyone without question
D) To avoid participating in a debate

Correct Answer: B) To argue against something for the sake of debate
Explanation: “Devil’s advocate” refers to someone who takes a position they do not necessarily agree with, just for the sake of argument.

20. What does "Don’t count your chickens before they hatch" mean?

A) Trust that everything will go according to plan
B) Always be overly cautious
C) Plan ahead for everything
D) Don’t assume success before it happens

Correct Answer: D) Don’t assume success before it happens
Explanation: “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch” means not to assume that something will happen until it actually does.

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