MCQs on One Word Substitutions

[Set - 2]

1. A person who is trained to travel in a spacecraft

A) Aviator
B) Cosmonaut
C) Engineer
D) Navigator

Correct Answer: B) Cosmonaut
Explanation: A cosmonaut is a person trained by the Russian space program to travel in space. “Astronaut” is the term used in other countries. This distinction can be useful for differentiating between space programs.

2. A speech or written tribute praising someone who has died

A) Ode
B) Elegy
C) Eulogy
D) Sermon

Correct Answer: C) Eulogy
Explanation: A eulogy is a formal speech or piece of writing that praises someone who has passed away, usually given at funerals.

3. A person who derives pleasure from inflicting pain on others

A) Masochist
B) Sadist
C) Nihilist
D) Pessimist

Correct Answer: B) Sadist
Explanation: A sadist is someone who finds pleasure in causing pain to others. This is different from a masochist, who enjoys being in pain.

4. A person who knows and can speak several languages

A) Polyglot
B) Grammarian
C) Linguist
D) Bilingual

Correct Answer: A) Polyglot
Explanation: A polyglot is someone who can speak multiple languages fluently.

5. A disease that is prevalent over a whole country or the world

A) Epidemic
B) Pandemic
C) Endemic
D) Sporadic

Correct Answer: B) Pandemic
Explanation: A pandemic refers to a disease that spreads across a large region, affecting multiple countries or continents.

6. A person who is appointed to settle disputes

A) Arbitrator
B) Mediator
C) Judge
D) Barrister

Correct Answer: A) Arbitrator
Explanation: An arbitrator is a neutral person chosen to resolve disputes outside of court, especially in legal and business matters.

7. A place where public records are kept

A) Museum
B) Warehouse
C) Library
D) Archive

Correct Answer: D) Archive
Explanation: An archive is a place where important historical or public documents are preserved and stored.

8. A person who can endure pain or hardship without showing feelings or complaining

A) Stoic
B) Optimist
C) Pessimist
D) Ascetic

Correct Answer: A) Stoic
Explanation: A stoic is someone who remains calm and unemotional, especially in difficult situations.

9. A government by a small group of powerful people

A) Democracy
B) Oligarchy
C) Monarchy
D) Plutocracy

Correct Answer: B) Oligarchy
Explanation: An oligarchy is a system where power is concentrated in the hands of a few, often wealthy or influential individuals.

10. A person who refuses to conform to established customs, attitudes, or ideas

A) Renegade
B) Nonconformist
C) Rebel
D) Anarchist

Correct Answer: B) Nonconformist
Explanation: A nonconformist is someone who chooses not to follow the norms or accepted behaviors of society.

11. A person who renounces the world and practices self-discipline to attain salvation

A) Monk
B) Hermit
C) Ascetic
D) Recluse

Correct Answer: C) Ascetic
Explanation: An ascetic practices severe self-discipline and abstains from indulgence, typically for religious reasons.

12. A person who is uncontrollably obsessed with setting things on fire

A) Arsonist
B) Pyromaniac
C) Vandal
D) Saboteur

Correct Answer: B) Pyromaniac
Explanation: A pyromaniac is someone with a compulsive desire to start fires.

13. A person who is excessively concerned with minor details and rules

A) Pedant
B) Perfectionist
C) Optimist
D) Stoic

Correct Answer: A) Pedant
Explanation: A pedant is someone who is overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning.

14. A person who works for the welfare of others

A) Patriot
B) Humanitarian
C) Pessimist
D) Philanthropist

Correct Answer: D) Philanthropist
Explanation: A philanthropist is a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, usually through charitable donations or social initiatives.

15. A remedy for all diseases

A) Antidote
B) Panacea
C) Vaccine
D) Cure

Correct Answer: B) Panacea
Explanation: A panacea is a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases, although in practice, no such universal cure exists.

16. A system of government in which the father or eldest male is the head of the family

A) Democracy
B) Patriarchy
C) Matriarchy
D) Autocracy

Correct Answer: B) Patriarchy
Explanation: A patriarchy is a social system in which men hold primary power, especially in governing family or society.

17. One who studies the human mind and behavior

A) Psychiatrist
B) Sociologist
C) Psychologist
D) Neurologist

Correct Answer: C) Psychologist
Explanation: A psychologist is a professional who studies mental processes and human behavior through observation and interpretation of how individuals relate to their environment.

18. A person who is talkative

A) Taciturn
B) Reticent
C) Garrulous
D) Laconic

Correct Answer: C) Garrulous
Explanation: A garrulous person talks a lot, often about trivial matters, in an excessive or verbose manner.

19. A speech delivered without preparation

A) Extempore
B) Manuscript
C) Oration
D) Monologue

Correct Answer: A) Extempore
Explanation: An extempore speech is one delivered on the spot, without any prior preparation or written script.

20. An excessive desire to acquire wealth

A) Altruism
B) Avarice
C) Generosity
D) Greed

Correct Answer: B) Avarice
Explanation: Avarice is an intense and selfish desire for material wealth and possessions, often at the expense of others.

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